Bennett's 10 month birthday is tomorrow. So hard to believe, but I say that every month. I know it won't change- he's going to grow up no matter how much I don't want him to. I should realize each milestone is going to come. I guess it still amazes me how fast it's all going. He is doing so much now!
He gets up about once a night. He's sleeping sooo much better and I'll take once a night over what we were doing a month ago. I'm not breastfeeding him anymore and I really miss it. But I felt like my milk supply was dwindling and I just couldn't keep up with his demands. So we have now switched him over to all formula. He took the switch pretty well- I guess as long as he was being fed, that's all he cared about. I think I miss it more than he does. :) It was truly rewarding and I'm so very glad I stuck with it and breastfed him as long as I did. That was probably the best decision I have made as a mother.
He's pulling up on everything now. He can pull himself up from his stomach to his feet. It takes a lot of muscles to do that! He has finally conquered that battle. :) He's clapping, which is the cutest thing! I can tell he's trying to cruise around a bit, just hasn't quite taken very many steps.
He's making so many different noises with his mouth. This past weekend he discovered he could stick his tongue out and spit with it. Do you know what I'm talking about?
He keeps getting more and more hair. It's got a little bit of a reddish tint to it. Right after we wash it, it looks more blonde though. His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue- I hope they stay that way!! They are absolutely beautiful!!
I'm trying to give him more and more real food. Tonight he ate green beans, rice, and some baby food fruit mix. He loved the green beans and rice. I gave him some mac and cheese last night and he loved that too. I think he likes to eat what me and Jason eat. :) He likes his juice and he's still learning how to drink out of a sippy cup. Hasn't quite figured out he's got to tilt it up to get it to come out. :)
Bennett is just a sweetie! We love him to pieces!! Such a joy and I love to see him smile- it melts my heart! I've made an appointment for his 1 year pictures and I'm sooo excited. The photographer's pictures look wonderful on her website and blog. I can't wait!! I've also started to think about his first birthday. I think I'm going to do a Dr Seuss theme. :) I'm excited about that too! So much fun stuff coming up!!!
I tried to get some chair pictures tonight since he was in a wonderful mood (you never know what kind of mood he's going to be in at night). He was not wanting to sit still long enough for me to do anything, but I did manage to get a few. I might try again tomorrow and see what we can do.
Silly Boy!! |