Bennett turned 17 months last Thursday. But last week was way too busy to update the blog, so I'm just finding the time today while I'm off work.
Bennett's personality has hit full force! He's definitely head strong (which I think he gets from both of us). Being head strong has its pros and cons. He knows what he wants and likes things a certain way. On the flip side, if he doesn't get what he wants, the way he wants it, he throws a fit. We are trying to teach him that he can't always have his way and sometimes it's for his own safety that he doesn't get it his way. We are working very hard and hopefully he'll outgrown this little phase.
Even though he can be stubborn at times, he has his sweet streak too. I love it when he gives me kisses and hugs! The nice big open mouthed, slobbery kisses are the best! :)
He pretty much likes the same food and still has a pretty good appetite. Some days he eats more than others, but I feel that if he was really hungry he'd eat, so I try not to stress over the face that he might not have eaten as much as yesterday. He drinks a lot of milk so that also eases my mind a little if his appetite is down.
He's not really saying any new words since last month, but he definitely has his own little language. It's so cute to watch him talk because he knows what he's talking about and all I can come back with is "Really?" :)
He is a busy body! From the time he wakes up til the time he's down for the night, he is constantly on the move, checking things out, moving things, pushing things, dragging things, all.the.time. I'm convinced that he would stay up til midnight playing if we let him. We have to make him go to bed around 8:00 because we know he needs the sleep. The past week or so he's been taking an early nap before lunch and then sometimes taking a smaller one late in the afternoon. He used to take one long nap after lunch. But as long as he gets a good nap in for the day, I don't really care what time it is.
He is completely off the pacifier. It kinda happened by mistake, but what a good mistake that was! :) We sent him to Mrs. Bertha's without his paci one day. When I picked him up that afternoon, she asked me if I knew he didn't have one and I told her no and started to feel really bad for her (cause I just knew he would have been fussy all day without it). BUT, she said he did fine and took a good nap without it and everything. Jason and I took that as a sign that we just needed to take it away and get him used to not having it. I was thinking we needed to wean him soon but thankfully we've have that behind us. He's done just fine without it since and we have packed up all his pacis and put them in the cabinet!! I'm so glad he's not going to be that 3 year old who still has a paci. ;)
Bennett has also been sleeping in his big boy bed!!! He's been in our room since he was born, so this is a big adjustment for Mommy! Probably more so for me than him. :) He isn't really sleeping any worse up there in his room, so I think once he gets through with this whole teething phase, he'll be just fine. Speaking of teeth, he's got 10 teeth total I think. I'm ready for the night we don't have to deal with teething, because it's just not fun.
I think that pretty much sums up the last month! Can't wait for his 18 month check up so we can see how much he weighs and how tall he is. Seems like he's really gotten taller in the last 2 weeks. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. :)
Pictures from the Greek Festival in Downtown Columbia:
He loved watching all the cute little girls :) |
2nd trip to the zoo. We didn't stay long because the weather wasn't cooperating for us and we actually got rained on. :) The weather will be cooling down soon though and we'll have more opportunity to go and really enjoy it!
He loved watching the gorilla |
And now, the chair pictures. It was really tough this time- he was not wanting to sit still at all! But I snapped a few and took the best I could.
This just sums up the whole session :) |