Thursday, May 31, 2012

What's New With You?

Nothing much new in the Hamm household.  Mommy is able to relax a little bit since his 2nd birthday is behind us.  Next one I'll be planning is his 3rd birthday, which just sounds surreal to me.  We are enjoying the summer because that means we can get Bennett outside, which he LOVES!  Since his birthday, we have been back to Saluda Shoals a number of times to let him enjoy the splash park.  He loves it!!  Great way to get all that energy out!!

Bennett is growing so fast and learning so much.  His vocabulary is expanding quite a bit.  I could list all his words, but it would just be too long and I'd probably leave off some.  It's so funny to hear him say some words.  I just love his little voice!  We are working on counting- hopefully he'll catch on soon.  :)

We are also working on potty training.  We've taken a pretty laid back approach and are letting him decide when he wants to sit on the toilet.  We bought him a potty but using the real toilet just works better for us.  Up until a few days ago, he would just sit on the toilet and want to play and put all the toilet paper in the bowl.  The other day we were bathing him at my mom's house and he stood up acting like he wanted to go to the bathroom.  My mom grabbed him and put him on the potty and he actually tee teed in the potty!!  We were so excited!  Then, last night he did the same thing while taking a bath, so I got him and put him on.  He acted like he didn't really want to sit on the toilet, but he did and he tee teed!!  It didn't happen tonight, but I don't want to push it and make him not like sitting on the potty.  I want to make it fun for him so that it will be an easy transition.  I just can't imagine him without a diaper on.  Kinda sad for me, but I know it has to happen one day.

His appetite varies from day to day.  One day he won't have much of one and will eat very little at each meal.  Then other days, like last night, he'll keep eating and eating!  Last night for dinner he ate 2 yogurts, some ham, one slice of cheese, some brown rice and a good bit of green beans.  Green beans are probably his favorite veggie- he loves them.  He loves rice and noodles.  And can't forget about cheese- still loves cheese!!  He ate some sunflower seeds tonight and seemed to really like them.  But breakfast is probably his best meal out of all 3.  He loves breakfast and eats a lot!  Scrambled eggs are another one of his favorites as well as pigs and a blanket- we normally eat those every weekend for breakfast.  Can't go wrong with those.  He's also a southern boy and loves his grits!!  :)  That's mama's boy!!  Honestly, there's not much he doesn't like.  Tomatoes, carrots, broccoli (unless it's covered in ranch dressing) are things he won't eat.  I count myself fortunate that he's not a picky eater!

Sleeping is a hit or miss.  Most of the time he sleeps well.  If he's teething, that's another story.  About a month ago he was getting teeth in and slept horribly for about a month.  The past week or so has been much better, which is REALLY nice for mommy and daddy.  He still sleeps in his bed upstairs unless he's sick.  When he's sick I just like him to be right by me.  I also count myself lucky that Bennett doesn't really get sick all that much.  He's had bronchitis, ear infections, RSV and the hand foot mouth virus, but other than that he doesn't get sick much.  There is nothing I want more than a healthy child and the Lord has blessed us with that.  That is something we just take for granted every day.

All in all Bennett is doing great and is such a joy to all of us.  He has the best little personality, but we aren't biased at all.  ;)  98% of the time he's as sweet as can be.  As with anyone, he has his moments but I couldn't have asked for a better son!  He's more than I could have ever imagined.  He's my heart and he gets so much love from me and Jason.

Here are a few random pictures!

Mother's Day 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Do you think my son likes water??

Take a look at this picture:

Do you think Bennett might like playing in water?!  To say he likes it is really an understatement.  After his birthday party was over, we let him play in the splash park and he kept squealing and running around. He had so much fun!!  I did manage to snap a few pictures with the phone while he played in the water.

The Sunday after his party, we decided to run the sprinkler and fill up his blow up pool from last year.  And we invited his neighbor, Wilson, out to play with him too.  They had a ball!!!  You can bet he will be in the water a lot this summer!!