Wednesday, September 22, 2010

5 months ago today!

So Bennett is 5 months old today, which is so hard to believe.  He's almost half a year old.  To me, that just doesn't seem possible.  This coming month we have a lot to look forward to- his first trip to the zoo, the SC State Fair, and Halloween.  I've been putting off taking him to the zoo just because the weather has been so hot here, we'd all be miserable walking around.  The weather is finally starting to cool down some and I think next month we'll be able to go and enjoy ourselves.  I can't wait to take him and let him explore all the animals!!  The fair ought to be very interesting.  There won't be much he can do there, but at least Mommy and Daddy can walk around and eat some fair food.  He'll probably have fun people watching though.  And boy will there be tons of people to watch- tons of very different people to watch.  :)  And then there's Halloween.  We got his cow outfit in the mail yesterday and it's even cuter in person!  The hat is so adorable!  I can't wait to show off my cute cow! We'll probably just go visit some neighbors and maybe drive to Mrs. Bertha's house and spend the rest of the night handing out candy.  I can't wait for his first Halloween!!

In celebration of Bennett's 5 month birthday, we took his chair pictures.  It's really fun and I'm sure when he's older it will be so neat to look back and see how he has grown each month.  Here are some of Bennett's 5 month pictures (some were taken with his cute cow hat!):

Does he look any bigger since 3 month pictures?
Bennett ate cereal last night.  And when I say eat, I mean he actually ate it off a spoon and it went in his tummy rather than coming right back out!  He only took a few bites of it before he was done with it but it was a HUGE improvement from last time, when we tried at 4 months.  Just another sign that he's growing up.  We'll keep practicing with it and in another month we'll try fruit, which I'm sure he'll love.  I've held off giving him any type of food so far and, as you can see, he's not missing any milk meals.  :)  At his 4 month check up he was 15 pounds 7 ounces.  He started at 3rd percentile and at 4 months he was already up in the 60th percentile!  I would say I have a boy that loves to eat.  In his 6th month, I look forward to feeding him food and letting him explore that. 

He is now rolling over really well- from tummy to back AND back to tummy!  He does it every time we put him down now.  He's also started getting his little knees under his belly- I think it's the beginning of learning how to crawl!!  And we can tell he's trying to support himself more when we sit him up.  It won't be much longer before he's sitting up all by himself!!  He still loves to talk and we love to listen to him! He'll just go on and on like he's really talking about something serious.  :)  It's the sweetest sound!!  Maybe he'll be like his Daddy and be a talker.  :) 

So, he's doing really well.  Another month down and many, many more to go!! 

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