I think Bennett is a good combo baby. Some things look like me and then others are clearly from Jason. Bennett has my eyes and forehead. His ears and feet are definitely Jason- no questions about that! I'm not sure whose nose he'll have or if he'll be big like Jason or small like me. I'm not sure if his hair will be thick like Jason or thin like mine. Those are things I look forward to as he grows and changes. Of course, everything about him is beautiful and it doesn't matter who he looks like in the end. I wouldn't want him to look any other way. But it is fun along the way though.
His beautiful eyelashes |
Sweet fingers |
His feet have gotten so fat :) |
I think he's going to have big hands like Jason |
Cute, cute ears! |
His spikey hair |
This past weekend Bennett has been sick with bronchitis. No fun for either one of us. His cough sounds horrible and we have to keep his nose suctioned so he can breathe and he hates that. Hopefully in a couple of days he'll be better. We are giving him treatments with a nebulizer to help clear his lungs. We've done that for 3 days now- I can't tell if it's helping but we'll continue with them. But at the doctor's office he weighed in at 17 pounds 10 ounces! I can't believe my baby is almost 18 pounds!!
Getting one of his treatments |
Even though he had that aggravating mask on, Daddy was able to make him laugh |
I've noticed the past couple of days that Bennett loves hands. I had him in his exersaucer and was showing him all the buttons and noises but he was more interested in my hands than all the stuff on his play saucer. He has also been trying to pick up his paci and put it in his mouth. He's got the concept but sometimes it's backwards and doesn't quite fit. It won't be long before he figures it out!! My little baby is growing and learning so fast! Here are some recent pictures we took last week:
He couldn't figure out what was on his feet :) |
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