It's Bennett's first Thanksgiving and boy do we have a lot to be thankful for. I'm most thankful for a happy, healthy baby. I take for granted every day his health and that is probably the best, life long gift I could ever get. Secondly, I'm thankful for the wonderful, hands on father Jason is for Bennett. I am thankful he is my husband- he does so much and I am lucky!! Bennett is very lucky to have 2 parents that truly want him and want the best for him. Too many children are born into this world to parents who do not care and, to me, that's very sad. We wanted a child for quite a while before we actually got pregnant, and now I can honestly say it was well worth the wait. He is more than I could have ever imagined he would be. I am thankful for the little family that we have now and only hope that he grows up to be thankful for it as well. I am so so thankful for my mother. She is the strongest, hardest working woman I have ever met. Growing up, she always provided for us first and made sure we were happy. Since Bennett has been born, she has been a God send. At first when it was tough, she was there to help me and Jason. I honestly do not know if I could have made it through the tough times without her. I love her more than words. I could go on for days with more things I thank God house, my job, my car, I am truly blessed beyond measure for everything that I have. Thank you Lord for my wonderful, simple life!
This year, like every other year, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family at lunch and then Jason's family at dinner. My family is always a big crowd, but I'm so thankful that we are able to spend time together. At dinner, Jason's parents came down and we had a small, but nice meal with them. Bennett did great all day!! Just think, next year he'll be walking and talking!!
Just a few pictures from Thursday and then just some random pictures of Bennett in his new walker that Daddy bought him yesterday.
He didn't care for the grass :) |
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