Monday, April 8, 2013

Update on Hamm #2

So I just realized that it's been a while since I've updated on Hamm #2.  So here it is!!

Our big ultrasound went great.  The anatomy scan checked out great, which we were so thankful for!!  That was our main concern- was that the baby looked healthy and was growing strong.   And that it was still, in fact, just one! :)  This mommy doesn't want any surprises.  She measured 10 ounces so she still has a lot of growing to do and it's hard to picture how tiny 10 ounces is.

During the ultrasound, at the very end, we were excited to find out we are having a GIRL!!  I had that suspicion all along but it was so wonderful to finally find out for sure what we were having.  Of course,  that afternoon, I had to go out and buy her first outfit.  :)  Shopping in the girls section was very strange.  I had so much to choose from and I found myself putting things back several times and picking up something else.  I had a hard time deciding on the final outfit because I wanted to buy everything.  Such cute stuff!!

So right now I'm 25 weeks and still growing!  :)  Within the last couple of days, I've been able to see her kick from the outside and Jason felt her kick last night for the first time. Even though it's our second child and we experienced this with Bennett, it's still amazing.  She's getting so strong and I can't wait to see what she looks like and just hold her and let Bennett experience being a big brother for the first time!  Oh how our world is going to change!!!!

So, we've had a name picked out since we were pregnant with Bennett.  We liked it back then and still really love it now so her name will be Leah.  The middle name is still up in discussion but Jason likes Renee and it does flow well with Leah and Hamm so more than likely she'll get my name for her middle name.  So Leah Renee Hamm.  :)  Has a nice ring to it, huh?

Here are just a few pics from the ultrasound.  We got some good shots!

Showing us that she is, in fact, a GIRL!!!
Her profile, which is just so sweet!

Top left is her hand, showing all 5 fingers

Bottom left is her foot, showing her tiny little toes
The nursery is coming along.  We've really done a lot considering we used the room for storage.  We've cleaned it out, painted the walls, installed a new ceiling fan and put the crib up.  I say we, but really Jason has done it all.  :)  The walls are a beautiful grey and I plan on keeping it simple and fresh! Jason is going to refinish my dresser growing up and paint it white for her room.  I've got the curtains to hang and a wall decal on order to put above her crib.  So it's all coming along wonderfully!  Here are a few pics of what we have so far.

So just 15 more weeks and she'll be here!!  Amazing! I have a feeling she'll look a lot like Bennett, but that's just my instinct, I could be wrong.  :)

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I know my Jason has loved having a baby girl and I'm sure your Jason will love it too... wrapped tight around the little pinky finger!! There is nothing quite like a little girl and her daddy to melt your heart. I'm sure Bennett will be an amazing big brother, too!! :)
