Friday, January 20, 2012

Bennett James

So it's really late, but I just finished Bennett's 1st year photo book and it's on it's way as I write.  I'm so excited to see it.  Now, it's not professional by any means, but it's very special.  A lot of work and time went into so I hope it at least shows that much.  I'm working on his 2nd year now but still have a few months before that one can be finished up.  At least I'm somewhat on time with that one.  :)  But here's the link in case you want to take a glance.

You'll love Shutterflys award-winning photo books. Try it today.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I know it's really late but I've kinda been out of the blogging world lately.  But here it goes, our Christmas post.....

Hard to believe Christmas is already over!  But I love that time of year and I think Bennett had a really good time opening up all his gifts- and my did he get a lot of stuff!!  I was so afraid he was not going to feel well for Christmas morning- our household was hit by the stomach bug the week before and it hit us all hard. It started with Bennett and then moved to Mommy and then Daddy had a touch of it Christmas Eve but felt much better Christmas morning.  In the end, we had a wonderful 2nd Christmas with him.  Christmas Eve we traveled to Newberry but had to cut it a little short since Jason wasn't feeling well.  We had plans to go to my grandmother's house Christmas Day but we were too afraid of passing along our germs to her that we just stayed home and let Bennett enjoy playing with his new toys all morning.  He got so many big boy toys and he loves them all!  His top 3 favorites are his slide, his barn, and his workshop.  I was really excited for him to open his gifts- that is the best gift I could have gotten.  Maybe next year he'll understand Santa Clause and want to sit in his lap.  This year Jason had to sit in Santa's chair with Bennett while Santa stood beside them.  :)  Enjoy our Christmas pictures from Bennett's 2nd Christmas!!!

So there you have it- 2 and a half weeks late.  Now it's time to start planning Bennett's 2nd birthday!!!   Yep, Bennett will be 2 in 3 months.  3 months!!!!  How did that happen?!?