Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

It's Bennett's first Thanksgiving and boy do we have a lot to be thankful for.  I'm most thankful for a happy, healthy baby.  I take for granted every day his health and that is probably the best, life long gift I could ever get.  Secondly, I'm thankful for the wonderful, hands on father Jason is for Bennett.  I am thankful he is my husband- he does so much and I am lucky!!  Bennett is very lucky to have 2 parents that truly want him and want the best for him. Too many children are born into this world to parents who do not care and, to me, that's very sad.  We wanted a child for quite a while before we actually got pregnant, and now I can honestly say it was well worth the wait.  He is more than I could have ever imagined he would be.  I am thankful for the little family that we have now and only hope that he grows up to be thankful for it as well. I am so so thankful for my mother.  She is the strongest, hardest working woman I have ever met.  Growing up, she always provided for us first and made sure we were happy.  Since Bennett has been born, she has been a God send.  At first when it was tough, she was there to help me and Jason.  I honestly do not know if I could have made it through the tough times without her.  I love her more than words. I could go on for days with more things I thank God house, my job, my car, I am truly blessed beyond measure for everything that I have.  Thank you Lord for my wonderful, simple life!

This year, like every other year, we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family at lunch and then Jason's family at dinner.  My family is always a big crowd, but I'm so thankful that we are able to spend time together.  At dinner, Jason's parents came down and we had a small, but nice meal with them.  Bennett did great all day!!  Just think, next year he'll be walking and talking!!

Just a few pictures from Thursday and then just some random pictures of Bennett in his new walker that Daddy bought him yesterday.

He didn't care for the grass  :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

7 months and counting!!

Tomorrow marks your 7 month birthday!  That means you are closer to 1!!  It's crazy how time has flown and how much you have changed in the past month.  Here's a month in review:

You have gotten a lot of hair and it sticks straight up.  We try to comb it down after your bath but it's so fly-away that it only wants to stand up!  It's the cutest thing though.  :)  Mrs. Bertha likes to call you fuzz!

You have started to eat food 3 times a day.  For breakfast you'll eat some oatmeal with bananas.  At lunch we'll give you a fruit or veggie and at dinner you'll eat a fruit and veggie.  You love everything we have given you!  I think your favorite is sweet potatoes.  :)  But in all honesty you still love milk the best.  I'm still nursing you and that has been the greatest thing I have ever done! 

We're still working on your sleep routine.  You're not sleeping through the night quite yet but I know you'll get there when you're ready.  I think you just like to have Mommy comfort you through the night.  While it's really tough not getting a good night's sleep, spending that quiet time at night with you is so special.  The past few nights we have been putting you down earlier, like around 7:00.  You've done really well with it.  During the day you take 2 naps, about an hour and half nap in the morning and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.  When you wake up from your naps you are so happy!  We are fortunate to have such a good baby. 

You are almost sitting up all by yourself!  The other day I had a ball propped between your legs and you did really well sitting up holding on to that ball.  It won't be long though!  You have started the army crawl, which means you aren't far from crawling!!  You get those cute little legs under you and use your arms to pull yourself forward.  You are really strong and still have a tough grip on everything!  You are also very observant and like your little exersaucer.  It has lots of things for you to play with and you have begun to jump like a wild man in that thing.  :)

Sometimes the Beach Boys calm you down and put you to sleep.  Tonight you have been fighting sleep a little and Daddy started playing some Beach Boys and it calmed you right down.  We are so thankful for the Beach Boys.  :)  

You are wearing 9 and 12 month clothing- you are a big boy!!  :)  In size 3 diapers but looks like you might need size 4 soon.  I would guess you are around 20 pounds, if not more, and you have the most adorable legs I have ever seen!  Your skin is so soft and I love to feel it!  Everything about you is beautiful and I couldn't have imagined you being any more beautiful.  God truly has blessed us with a wonderful child!

You have the most precious smile!  You are turning into a very handsome little boy!  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!  We love you more than we have ever loved anything. 

Can't have a post without pictures!!  I also took a video of your army crawl.  Tomorrow we will try to get your 7 month pictures!!

Can you see the hair?  :)

I love that little face!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween pictures

We decided to wait til Sunday night to go trick or treating.  It just didn't work out to go Saturday and we had no trick or treaters at our house.  I did take pictures of him in his costume since the weather was beautiful and I didn't want to risk passing up a good day outside.  I got some great shots and he seemed to like his cow outfit.  :)  So here they are:

I am so pleased with how they turned out.  The weather was perfect and Bennett was great!!  Here are some unedited ones- the silly ones where he's looking at a leaf or a bug or the neighbor leaving their house.  :)  Still really cute though!
Hmmm, I wonder what's down there?

Look!  My feet!!

Hey, it's a bug and it's moving

Who's that?

Look Mom- my hand!

There's that bug again

Got to roll over!!

The grass is prickly

A leaf!  How neat!

What are they doing over there?
 A very successful Halloween this year!!  Can't help but think next year he'll be walking around and talking.  Now that's crazy!!