Tuesday, March 5, 2013

So Much Going on!!!

The Hamm Household will be having a lot of changes coming up.  2 things to be exact!
  1. I put in my notice at work last week and will officially be a stay at home mom in less than 2 weeks now!!!  Excited and nervous all at once.  Excited to finally be home with my baby (and later with my babies) but nervous because this is a new adventure for me and I'm not really sure what to expect.  I know the days will be hard but I hope to at least keep them fun and busy for Bennett.  Now that I won't be working, Bennett will have the opportunity to start a 3K preschool at our church this fall.  Very excited about that!!  It's 2 days a week from 9 to 12 in the morning.  I still want him to have contact with other kids his age and be able to play and create, so this seemed perfect!  I am also thankful to have several months at home with just Bennett- that one on one time with him before the  new baby comes will be so special and I will treasure that forever!
  2. We found out yesterday that we are having a GIRL!!!!!  This will also be a new adventure for us.  :)  Growing up I was the only girl, sandwiched in between 2 boys.  Most of my cousins are boys and most of my friend's kids are boys.  We are beyond thrilled and can't wait to meet this precious little baby!!!  I can see Bennett now protecting his little sister.  It is still so surreal to me that we are having a girl.  I went out and bought her first outfit yesterday and shopping in the little girls section was, well, just wierd.  Not in a bad way, just in a very different way.  I'm not used to having soooo many cute things to pick from.  It was fun and I can only imagine it will be very difficult to resist the urge to keep buying for her.  :)
We could use all the prayers and advice during this time.  It will be a huge transitioin for all 3 of us, and I'm just ready to get the ball rolling!!!  I'm hoping for lots of play dates for Bennett with other SAHMs because I want to keep his busy little mind going!!  I'm hoping for a smooth transition for me- going from working to be at home (which seems joyous, but I know some days cabin fever will set in).  I'm hoping for a smooth transition financially for our family.  It's going to take some sacrifices, but we are willing to make them and I know God will provide for all our needs.  And I'm hoping for a smooth transition for Bennett when his new little sister comes and then with the start of preschool.  So, if you will, just say a little prayer for the Hamm family.  It is much appreciated and needed!!!  :)