Monday, May 30, 2011

Pool time!

We bought Bennett a blow up pool and a some swim trunks a couple of weeks ago.  We hadn't tried it out yet until today.  It's really cute- it's a blue puffer fish and has a little sprinkler in the front.  It took Bennett a little while to get used to it since the water was cold, so we figured we'd turn the sprinkler on next time.  He probably played in it for about 10 minutes but he'll get used to it, I'm sure, and won't want to get out!!  :)  And the best part of it all was the fact that Jason put up our new storm door while we played in the pool!!  So glad to have that up now!  Here are the pictures from pool time!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bennett's 1st Haircut

This past weekend we finally decided to just bite the bullet and get Bennett a haircut!!  I told Jason we just needed to go before I changed my mind again.  :)  His hair had gotten pretty long over his ears and on the back of his neck.  We didn't get too much cut off but did get it trimmed up pretty nice.  I'm sure it will grow fast and maybe next time we'll get more cut off and styled, maybe like Daddy's hair.  :)  He actually did much better during the haircut than I thought.  I just knew he'd cry but he did SO good!  We did have some snacks to keep his mind off what the lady was doing, but all in all, it was a good experience and no tears from Bennett or Mommy!!  :)  

Here is a before pic (kinda blurry but you can see it hanging over his ear and sticking up everywhere):

And here are the pictures of the big event!!
On the way!

Not too sure about this yet

Such a big boy!!

My cutie!

This pic cracks me up!