Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear Bennett

Dear Bennett,

There is not enough words to really express how much I love you.  I don't think my heart could hold any more love!!  You are now 16 months and 1 week today, and you have the best little personality already!  I love watching you play with your toys and read your books.  You love to take things out of boxes and bags, spread them all over the floor, and then put them all back in!  You are growing into such a handsome little boy and Mommy and Daddy could not be more proud of you!  You love to go upstairs and play in your room and just yesterday you napped in your own big boy bed and did really really good!!  Pretty soon you'll be sleeping in there all the time!!

I love you so much and thank God for you every day!  I could not have asked for a better son to have- I would not trade you for anything!  He blessed us in a way that no one could come close to!!  God led me to your Daddy 11 years ago and now we have you!!  Life is good!!

Love always,

You're getting so tall!

And you're so sweet!

Right  now you have 7 teeth and one pushing through

You love to rock your buddies!

Trying to play some music- you like to sing to Mommy too

You LOVE your Daddy!

Giving Daddy some love!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Step by Step.....

Well, this Monday Bennett will be 16 months.  That's only 2 months until a year and a half!!!  We have about 8 weeks til we get more pictures made by the wonderful Amanda Joy Photo!  I'm so excited because she's so very talented- she did his 1 year pics and they were amazing!!!!!!  Not only are we having Bennett's 18 month pictures done, we're doing family pictures too!!!  Can't wait!!!!!

Bennett is walking all the time now.  Probably 2 weeks ago he was still crawling some and walking, but now it's pretty much walking.  When he falls down, he just gets himself back up and starts walking again!! Such a big boy!  He's doing very well at balancing himself- he can squat down and pick up a toy and stand up without holding on to anything or falling.  He's getting around really well these days!!

Bennett still has a pretty good appetite.  He loves his milk and would probably drink it all day and night if we let him.  After I pick him up from Mrs. Bertha's, he will almost down a whole sippy cup in the car before we get home- and Mrs. Bertha's house is only 2 minutes from our house!!  He LOVES it!  Right now his favorite food is probably apple sauce!!  One week while he was teething really bad, that's all I could get him to eat.  I think his mouth just hurt really bad and he didn't want to chew anything, so apple sauce we easy and cold.  He loves his snack food too.  :)  He loves these cereal bars I bought for him the other week- cinnamon apple and banana strawberry.  He loves the graham cracker cookies I bought him too.  He still likes cheese and bread.  It's tough thinking of new things to feed him- sometimes I feel like he eats the same thing over and over.  Oh, black eyed peas are probably his favorite veggie!  Tonight we had pizza and he seemed to really like that.

Bennett isn't saying too many words.  He can say hey and Jason said he was going to start calling him "The Fonz" because he says it all the time!  :)  He can say thank you, which is really sweet.  Of course he says Momma.  ;)  He still jabbers most of the time.  He understands very well though and knows when he's not supposed to do anything.  I can tell him to do things and he knows what I mean- like go get a book or get your sippy cup.  He loves his books!  There's this one book, Old MacDonald, which is his favorite.  It has flip tabs and he loves to open and close those.  We'll go through it at least 2 times a night.  He's got a very good memory too, and amazes me at some of the things he does.  He knows what belongs in his Bertha bag and will put those things in it.  He's starting to imitate other people, so I guess I need to start being on my best behavior ALL the time now.  ;)

We got Bennett's bed put together and in his room.  Not sure when we'll let him try it out.  I'm thinking we'll let him nap up there first for a little while to get him used to it.  Right now we've been up there to play, but not to sleep.  Hopefully he'll love it and the transition won't be too hard on any of us!!  :)

I just love love love him to pieces!!  Such a joy!  Here a just some recent pictures....

Cute, cute hiney! :)