Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Is Leah 3 Months Old Already?!

If you know me on Facebook, you've seen the videos of Leah reaching for her toes and another one of her pulling up, trying so hard to sit herself up.  While it was happening, I was so excited, excited to see her developing and progressing right along.  But just today as I was holding her, watching her again reach for her little piggy toes, it dawned on me that she is growing up and one day she'll be big like Bennett and be able to pfeed herself and be potty trained, run around outside kicking the ball and riding her tricycle.  Where did my newborn go?!?  In just 3 months we'll let her learn to eat cereal....things are just flying by!!  Life is flying by!  My little girl won't be this little forever.

Just this week I feel like we are finally settling down into a schedule, at least at night.  During the day she is now eating every 3 hours, sometimes 4 if she's taking a nap.  At night she gives me about a 5 hour stretch.  Last week I started encouraging a night time schedule and I think it's finally working itself out.  She typically eats between 4 and 5 in the afternoon, which is really nice because that gives me time to cook dinner and eat.  Then I'll give her a bath between 7:00 and 7:30, nurse her again after that and then she's asleep and all snuggly in the bed. :)  Lately she's been restless around 12:00 but I just put her paci back in and pat her butt and she's usually back asleep.  Then she's ready to eat again around 1:30 and this morning she didn't wake up again to eat until 5:30 and then went back to sleep til around 7:15.  I'm hoping once we have this night time routine in place for a couple of weeks she'll start going longer during the night and give me more sleep!!  But at least when she does wake up to eat, she eats and is back asleep within 20 minutes, so it's not too bad.  Would still love a full nights sleep though!!  This momma is tired!!

She is really starting to reach for things, like her feet and my hands.  I've noticed she tries to put her paci back in too. Not that she can grab it and put it in her mouth, but if it falls out and it's still close to her mouth, she tries to push it back in with her hand.  I've seen her do it a couple of times.  She can roll over onto her side, hasn't managed to roll over all the way just yet.  Her head control is great and she can pull herself up a few inches.  She's so strong!! What is she eating?  Only breastmilk still. I'm all about waiting to let their little tummies mature before feeding them food. We won't do anything til at least 6 months and then it will only be cereal for practice. Why rush food?  They have the rest of their lives to enjoy it!!

I meant to do a 2 month check up with her stats, but never got around to it.  At her check up last month she was 13 pounds 14 ounces and 23.75 inches, which is 95% for weight and 86% for length.  She is a chunk but oh so cute!!  Everything checked out really good at her appointment and she got MAD when she got her vaccines!!  I had never heard her scream like she did when they pricked her.  We might be in trouble with this one.  :)  One word- firecracker!  :)  But that night after her vaccines, she slept for 6 hours straight!  It was heaven.  :)

Bennett is starting to show his love for her more and more each day.  He loves it when he can make her smile- I think it makes him feel good.  I think he is still adjusting to her, but it kinda comes and goes now. Some weeks are good and others are harder.  I'm still adjusting too. It's hard trying to give attention to both children who desperately want it. Again, some weeks are good, others are harder.   I can't wait til they can play together.  She still adores him so much and smiles at him all the time.  He'll be good entertainment for her growing up.  :)  

I think Bennett has settled into school- he's told me numerous times how much he has fun and how he loves school.  I'm so happy that he has fun every time he goes- I know he's learning so much and I'm so thankful he's learning with a Christian background.  I'm going to miss the Christian influence once he starts kindergarden.  I just don't think private school can be in our budget.

We've had fun this fall- love this time of year!!!  We went to the fair with Bennett's buddy, Parker and painted our very own pumpkin. And now we have Halloween and the holidays to look forward to!!!  Exciting things are coming our way!!

Overall, things are going good. Kids are healthy so that's all I can ask for!!  I can't believe I have a 3 and a half year old and a 3 month old!!!!

Now for photo overload!!

Our pumpkin day 

The fair 

Those 2 boys had a blast!!

Leah at 3 months

And last but not least, Bennett's first school picture from 3K

Even though some days and weeks are really really tough, or even though some days I'm so tired I wish could just sleep all day, or even though it seems like I'm not quite measuring up some times, I know these days and weeks and years are going to be the best times of my life. I'm learning and growing in ways I didn't think possible. Bennett is teaching me more about myself and who I want to be than I think I'm teaching him. It's a good thing though- I needed someone to do it and he's the perfect one to do that! I'm learning patience, unconditional love and to just have fun and laugh and be silly. Some days I have a hard time finding the joy in things but I'm still learning and growing. Deep down I just want to be the best mother for my children cause I think I'm pretty darn blessed to have them.