Sunday, March 23, 2014

8 Months and Almost 4 Years!

Oh Leah, I feel like you are growing faster than Bennett did.  I'm here with you every day, but it is still going by way too fast!  How is it possible that you are now 8 months old?  I'm not sure, but here we are.  And let me just tell you, you are a mess!!

You are still nursing exclusively and eating every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day.  If our schedule allows, you get to try some baby food.  Life gets busy sometimes with your big brother and I know right now you still just needs mommy's milk as your main course.  So far you've liked everything I have given you (hope that continues)!!  You haven't had a huge variety yet but we are working on that slowly.  Some of the things you have had are: sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, apples, and pears.  You are becoming quite the pro at the sippy cup, being able to hold it up and drink.  You get so excited when I fix you one.  You also like the little puff things.  It's so funny to watch you eat them because everytime I put one in your mouth you still act like you aren't sure about it.

You are so close to crawling with your belly off the ground.  Just haven't quite mastered the coordination yet but it won't be long!  You are trying so so hard to pull up on things.  Just recently, if I am sitting close to you, you have started to wiggle your way around and try to pull up on my lap, like you want me to hold you.  So sweet!  You can now sit yourself up when you are laying on your belly.  You are one strong little girl.  It's so fun watching you grow and learn.  I'm so blessed to be able to spend each day with you.  It's like you learn something new every day.

Most of the time you are all smiles!!  When you are ready for a nap or bedtime, you get fussy. You hate getting your diaper changed and hate to get dressed. You cry every single time. Your favorite thing to do is go upstairs with Bennett and play with his toys.  Forget the baby toys, you want the big stuff!! You love his matchbox cars and trains right now.  And you want everything that Bennett has.  I know you are learning so many things just from watching Bennett.  You still adore him dearly and I can tell he feels the same about you (even though he'd never admit that!)  :) Today I had you in your high chair and you were just not happy.  Bennett's chair is right there next to yours and after you had fussed a little he reached over and grabbed your little hand.  It was the sweetest thing!  I pray that y'all grow up close and are best buds!  Bennett loves to go see you after you wake from a nap.  When he hears you wake on the monitor he always asks me, "Mom, can I go see her?"  And when he walks in you get the biggest smile on your face.  I'm loving watching the relationship between you two grow.  I'm sure once you are completely mobile, Bennett will not enjoy the fact that you can get to his things and destroy them.  :)  But hopefully that will only teach him patience and forgiveness. 

Not only can I not believe you have reached 8 months, I can't believe my first born will be 4 next month!  His delivery is still so fresh in my mind that it feels like just last year!  Instead, 4 years have passed and you have grown so much.  You still love school and we have already registered you for next year.  Next year you will go every day, which will be very strange.  But I guess it's better to go ahead and face the fact that you will be starting public school soon and will be gone every day.  I'm still in denial about that.  :)

We have started you in soccer at Northside Baptist Church's UpWard Soccer.  Daddy is the assistant coach to your team, The Sparks!  And you are #5!!  Not quite sure you grasp the concept about the game just yet, but I hope you are having fun!  Your buddy Parker is on your team and it seems that y'all are having fun together.  We are halfway through with the season now and each week you do better and better.  We had to set some rules into place, like staying on the field and listening to the coaches.  Life is just a big learning experience!  :)

Bennett, you are very smart to the point where you are too smart for your own good.  We are working on your sassiness and bossiness right now.  You're a tough little cookie!  But I know one day those characteristics will enable you to be a strong leader, hopefully in a career and in your family life.  Even though you are very determined, bossy, and like to tell others what to do, you are so kind hearted.  I can see that in the way you act towards your sister.  You are still all boy but you show so much love towards her and it grows and grows with each passing day.  Saying that I'm proud of you isn't enough. There's no other little boy I would rather have as my son.  I am so glad you are mine!!

Your 4th birthday is approaching fast.  I'm working as much as I can to get your party together and I'm getting so excited about it!  You told me you wanted a train birthday party this year.  I've booked your party at Saluda Shoals again and rented the train for you and all your buddies to ride on.  I know you will love that so much and I can't wait to see everyone enjoying it.  What wonderful memories we will have!!

Oh I love my kids!  They are a mess but they are my mess.

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