Tuesday, August 27, 2013

One Month with Miss Leah!

In some ways, it feels like just yesterday she was born.  But when you are taking care of her around the clock, some times it feels like it's been longer than 4 weeks.  Just yesterday I could tell she has gotten bigger.  I was bending down to put her in the swing, and she felt heavier and just looked bigger in it than before.  It's amazing because I can still remember Bennett's first month- it was the hardest month of my life.  While it hasn't been easy since Leah's been here, it's been a lot easier than the first time around.

She is still feeding 2-3 hours, with a 4 hour stretch every now and then, just to tease me!! :)  To say I'm exhausted is an under statement, but life goes on, so I manage to get myself together and do the best I can.  Some days are better than others- my patience runs thin and I feel like I can't manage.  Then other days I feel like I have everything under control!  It's a lot different with the 2nd kid- you can't sleep when the newborn sleeps because you have a 3 year old that wants just as much attention from you as your little one.  And there's just more to do around the house- more messes to clean up, more food to fix so your little one doesn't go hungry, more hands to keep clean, and more entertaining to keep the little one from going bonkers.  Let's just say, there are a lot of days he goes bonkers because I just don't have the energy to entertain him.  That's just where we are right now and I've got to let myself be ok with that.  We are still adjusting to life as 4.  While it hasn't been the hardest thing, it hasn't really been the easiest either.  Not in a bad way, just a matter of fact- it is different and everyone will have to adjust.  I've had to adjust majorly but I tend to not do well with change.  Bennett loves her more and more each day and I can't wait to see them interact when Leah gets old enough to do so.  I've talked to him about how she's going to love playing with Bennett when she grows big and strong.  I think he's looking forward to that!!

So there's not much a 1 month old can do....but, she is starting to stay awake more and look around.  She has actually smiled several times and it's the sweetest little thing.  She's holding her head up at times and is getting really good at that.  She hates to be disturbed and to have her diaper changed.  She's getting used to her bath more and more.  She LOVES the sound of running water, so much so that sometimes I'll let the faucet run just to soothe her because I've got to do something else, and it will put her to sleep.  She grunts a lot and I tend to check on her while she's sleeping a bazillion times because I think she might be awake, but turns out she's just grunting and still asleep!  At night she sleeps in her swing and during the day I'll sometimes put her in her bassinet with the boppy pillow.  She's not to fond of the paci.  When I know she's tired and needs to sleep I'll make her take it because it really does calm her down.  The combination of the paci and rocking her snug and tight gets her to sleep.

Who does she look like?  It's funny because my family thinks she looks like me and Jason's family thinks she looks like a Hamm.  I do think she looks a lot like Bennett- same eyes, ears and maybe same nose.  I can tell you she doesn't have Jason's nose.  So, we'll see as she grows who she favors, but in my opinion she looks like me.  :)

Now, breastfeeding, as all mother's who have tried know it's hard work.  And with Leah it wasn't an exception, although it was 10 times easier with her than with Bennett.  It took about 3 weeks to become adjusted and master it.  I had one day where I was in so much pain I didn't know if we would make it, but we managed to get past that and it has gotten better and better every day.  One thing I think that helped this time around was the fact that I nursed her soon after she was born.  I didn't with Bennett, just because I didn't know that I could, or should.  I feel like if I had done that with him, we wouldn't have suffered for 6 weeks.  Now, with breastfeeding comes frequent feedings, so it's like a give and take kind of thing- you are giving your baby the best thing you can and they're going to take it....all.the.time!  :)  I'm just proud that I have exclusively breastfed Leah for 4 almost 5 weeks now!  To me, that is a major accomplishment.  My goal is to breastfeed longer than I did with Bennett, which was 9 months.  But I'm taking 1 day at a time!!

What is Bennett up to these days?  He's also getting so big!!  I don't know if holding a newborn makes him seem bigger, but at any rate, he feels bigger to me!  He has started 3K preschool at our church!!!  I'm so excited for him!  He goes 2 mornings a week and I think it will be so good for him!!  The first day was kinda rough for him- he has to learn a lot about listening and sitting still, but his teachers said day 2 was a major improvement.  I think he's going to have so much fun and I'm excited for him.  Next year if I decide to send him back there for 4K he'll go every day- ohhhh, my baby is growing up!!

Recovery this time seemed quicker and easier.  Maybe it's just because I had to recover quickly for Bennett.  :)  I'm almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight but have a lot of work to do because I can tell my body shape is not going to be the same as it was!!  My plan is to try to workout after Bennett goes to bed at night and Leah has been fed.  Got a lot of work to do!!

All in all, I adore my 2 children more than anyone can fathom.  I can't wait to see Leah grow and see what kind of personality she has- head strong like Bennett or more laid back.  Hoping more laid back!! :)  I can't wait to see them do things together and hopefully build a strong brother/sister relationship!  I can't wait to see them take baths together, sleep together, all the little things siblings do.  I'm not looking forward to the battles I know siblings face together, but hope the good times they have outweigh the fights they may have.  Life is good, even with the hard days...or weeks!!!!  And I must say, we make some pretty darn good looking kids!!  :)

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