Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

This year is Bennett's first Halloween!  Mommy is probably more excited about it than he is though.  We decided to celebrate Saturday night since Sunday night we'll be getting ready for the next work week.  We do have a festival in our neighborhood Sunday night that we might walk to and check out but for the most part we'll be doing our trick or treating tonight.  And we'll cook our traditional chili for dinner.  It's nice and cool today so chili will be wonderful!!  Last year I believe it was fairly warm- chili is just better when it's cold.  We bought Bennett's costume several week ago- I hope it still fits him.  :)  We'll take him to a few neighbors' houses and call it a night.  We bought candy to give out so he can help us give out candy when we're done.  So excited to see my little cow all dressed up!!  Check back for pictures (you know me- I'll take a lot).  :)

On another note, Bennett is doing very well eating his food.  So far he has liked all the vegetables we've given him.  He's eaten sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots and squash.  This morning we mixed some bananas in with his cereal for breakfast and he gobbled it right up!!  I think he likes eating real food off a spoon, which doesn't surprise me, seeing as his father loves to eat!  :)

The last night or 2, we've noticed he has been trying really hard to get his knees under him and get up on all four.  I don't think it will be much longer before he's up on all 4 rocking back and forth and then crawling!  He's still not sitting up completely by himself but he's almost there!  And still no teeth!  :)  I was late getting both my baby teeth and permanent teeth so he might be taking after me in that department.  He continues to get more hair and it seems to be getting a little bit lighter.  He loves to play in his exersaucer still, which has lots of noises and lights for him to observe. 

He's just a bundle of joy and so sweet!!  We love him to pieces and pieces!!!  We honestly cannot get enough of him!

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